Questo sito contiene immagini di nudo maschile ed e' riservato solo a persone maggiorenni.

This site contains pictures of male nudity and is intended for persons over 18.

I NOSTRI AMICI ORSI: scegliete il vostro Orso!

OUR BEAR FRIENDS: choose your Bear!

Aggiornamento/Update: 27/11/17  Alex (gallery 37) New Photos, New Email address

Bears Gallery 48


Bears Gallery 47

Bear Rob Bulldog Thomas  Mirko Klever Ritt 

Bears Gallery 46

  Marco Toronero Danny Pitgiorgy Luca

Bears Gallery 45

 Agostino Pilo58* Dino Omar 

*04/12/14: Nuove foto, nuovo indirizzo email / New photos, new email address

Bears Gallery 44

Carlos Rodrigo Brancaleone Orux Maurizio

Bears Gallery 43

  Rinaldo* Beartruth Carlos

*20/02/16: Nuove foto / New photos

Bears Gallery 42

 Tony Artattack79   

Bears Gallery 41

Lion Mario Luchino* 

*26/11/09: Nuove foto / New photos

Bears Gallery 40

Enzo Dolce* Chema

*12/09/10: Nuove foto, nuovo indirizzo / New photos, new email address

Bears Gallery 39

Ruben FightClub Nick

Bears Gallery 38

Bearfrienddj Vastas Manuel Ramon Sexybear

Bears Gallery 37

Elias JuanCarlos Ilario** Alex*

**06/03/12: Nuovo indirizzo email / New email address

*27/11/17: Nuove foto / New photos

Bears Gallery 36

Antonio Denny** Danilo 

**26/07/06: Nuove foto / New photos

Bears Gallery 35

 Luca Marco Orso 43 Tony

Bears Gallery 34

Alexander Francesco Lucas Kasa Topper

Bears Gallery 33

Bob Giuseppe 

Bears Gallery 32

Gimloren* Wolfbear Jeffmi71**

*Coppia di orsi/Bear couple

**20/7/04: nuovo indirizzo email / New email address

Bears Gallery 31

 Juan Massimo Joey

Bears Gallery 30

Bruno* Marco Gabriele Fabio** Christian

*1/10/07: Nuove foto / New photos

**07/09/09: Nuova foto, nuovo indirizzo email / New photos, new email address

Bears Gallery 29

Eric Bubu

Bears Gallery 28

Angelo* Claudio Luis** Joey Mario

* 25/4/03: Nuovo indirizzo email - New email address

**22/01/06: Nuove foto / New photos

Bears Gallery 27

Jock Angelo Giancarlo

Bears Gallery 26

Bigbear61* Ali** Rob ThickcubSD Adam

*21/12/03: Nuove foto / New photos

**15/10/03: Nuove foto e indirizzo email / New photos and email address

Bears Gallery 25

Figorso Mark PeterGrizzly** TJ* Rigo Bear Moose

**20/01/16: Nuove foto, nuovo indirizzo email / New photos, new email address

*Updated - Aggiornato 17/9/03

Bears Gallery 24

 Herve' Cyrus

Bears Gallery 23

Mark Misterybear

Bears Gallery 22

Rajubear Nino* Righty

*Nuove foto / New photos 21/12/05

Bears Gallery 21

Stefano Jose

Bears Gallery 20

Allen Roger Vito Enrique

Bears Gallery 19

Paul & Joan Robby BigSi* Musclmike Tito**

*Updated - Aggiornato 23/6/04

**08/11/05: Nuovo indirizzo email - New email address

Bears Gallery 18

Orsopolare Waltbear Massimo Ronnie

Bears Gallery 16 Jeronimo Bernard

Bears Gallery 15

Bucky Eddy Rafael Tony

Bears Gallery 14

Yoghy* Jason** Fer-the-Bear

*7/2/03: Nuovo indirizzo email/ New email address

** 14/4/04: Nuovo indirizzo email - New email address

Bears Gallery 13

Gerhard Jack* Tony

*11/9/03 new email address - nuovo indirizzo

Bears Gallery 12

Lance BearCub HairyGuy HairyItal29 Riccardo

Bears Gallery 11

John Comptrbear Vincenzo*

*Updated - Aggiornato 07/10/04

Bears Gallery 10

Jeronimo Jose & Manolo* Riccardo Fernando Mark

*Updated - Aggiornato 22/2/03

Bears Gallery 9

Charles Victor StevBear

Bears Gallery 8

RomeBear Peter Italbear67* Pat

*Updated - Aggiornato 01/03/14

Bears Gallery 7

Marv MarcOrso Dean Richard*

*Updated - Aggiornato 28/12/04

Bears Gallery 6

Leo LionheartNL* Rupert Mario

Nuove foto / New photos 24/11/08

Bears Gallery 5

Max Manuel Kahili* Antonio

*Updated - Aggiornato 28/4/03

Bears Gallery 4

Jeepbear Sergio SirDukeBear Dan

Bears Gallery 3

Bill* NgaBear George Mirko

*9/1/09: Nuove foto, Nuovo indirizzo email - New photos, New email address

Bears Gallery 2

Danny Stormbear* Stapler Florindo Scuba bear

*Updated - Aggiornato 20/12/02

Bears Gallery 1

Oscar RamboBear Claudio Emilio* Piero**

*Nuove foto / New photos 18/02/05

**Updated - Aggiornato 5/6/03

Orsi Italiani Girth & Mirth


Orsi Italiani Magazine: INDICE / INDEX

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